Ponencia en Congreso de Diseño: Medellín, 2018
Participación en la “Décima Conferencia del Comité Internacional de Historia y Estudios del Diseño” (10th Conference of the International Committee for Design History and Design Studies (ICDHS)”, realizada entre el 26 y 28 de octubre del presente año en Taipéi, Taiwán. El Comité Internacional de Historia y Estudios del Diseño es una comunidad de investigadores de todo el mundo consolidada en 1998, con el fin de promover el debate y la diversidad de enfoques disciplinares entre la teoría y la historia del Diseño, además de indagar en las proyecciones hacia el futuro del Diseño.
El desarrollo de esta conferencia internacional tiene como objetivo la construcción de una comunión de investigaciones y una red de investigadores.
Para este congreso se redactó y presentó el paper titulado:
"Luis Fernando Rojas cronista visual de Chile 1875-1942: El dibujo como herramienta comunicativa y los problemas que con lleva la obsolescencia tecnológica"
Palabras Claves: Inicio Periodismo Gráfico | Imaginario Cultural | Modernización Técnica de Reproducción
La presente ponencia aborda parte del trabajo de Luis Fernando Rojas, posiblemente el principal ilustrador y reportero gráfico de Chile entre 1875 y 1890, retratando no sólo lo acontecido en Chile sino que lo que ocurría internacionalmente.
Por entonces, la fotografía se utilizaba para retratos de personalidades y paisajes, rara vez para hechos cotidianos. Las ilustraciones testimoniales de Rojas, especialmente en el libro El álbum de la gloria de Chile, proporcionan un relato del imaginario heroico y triunfalista del nacionalismo del siglo XX, aún vigente. Iniciado el siglo XX, el periodismo chileno se nutre de la fotografía y de nuevos ilustradores extranjeros traídos por la revista Zig-Zag. Esto, sumado a la crisis de 1929, tuvo gran incidencia en el descenso de la carrera de Rojas. Resulta paradójico que, habiendo sido el padre de una técnica nueva como la litografía en Chile, se viera directamente influido por las transformaciones tecnológicas y modernización de la industria editorial, llevándolo a una obsolescencia técnica y completo olvido.
Congress Participation: MEDELLÍN, 2018
Assistance to the 2nd International Meeting: Investigative Experiences in Architecture and Design, developed by the Pontificia Universidad Bolivariana (UPB) of Medellín, Colombia, held between April 11 and 14, 2018. This event is conceived as a space for dialogue and reflection, where different fields of knowledge are summoned: architecture, design, arts, advertising, communication, social and human sciences, exact sciences, strategic sciences among others; to express and critically discuss their discourses, thoughts and feelings, around different academic and social problems related to architecture and design.
For this conference, the article entitled:
“Opening borders between Design and Public Policies: The exercise of children's rights”
The design as a decoder, articulator and as an educational tool of Public Policies around the rights of children in the Protection Centers in Chile.
Keywords: Decoding / Design / Education / Politics / Children's rights
The most logical thing to do would be to ask how the right corresponds to the design, since it is understood by law -defined by the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, RAE- a set of principles and norms, expressive of an idea of justice and order, which they regulate human relations in every society, while design would focus on the form, on the aesthetic and functional disposition of things in a society. Now, given that the right is exercised to regulate and regulate coexistence in society, the question arises as to how this norm is materialized and socialized. Or, in other words, how is an abstract and, sometimes, extremely technical category such as law transformed into an experience that makes sense and permeates people's daily lives? How can the rights be demanded if they are not known, moreover, if the legal language used is practically incomprehensible for people who do not dominate it? The challenge is, in effect, how to translate the language of law into forms of expression and a language that allows people to appropriate them in their daily practices. If the understanding of certain laws is cumbersome among adults, imagine the complexity of that transmission of technical content to children. In this context, design appears as a key agent, a piece of gear between legislation, education, politics and communication. This article will address how design can operate as a translator, mediator and educational tool of public policies around the rights of children. Specifically, this problem will be developed from the case of the Protection Centers in Chile, one of the most controversial areas of public policies in recent years in this country.