I am Carola Ureta Marín a London-based designer and visual communicator specialised in editorial, cultural development and historical research projects. Last year, I was part of the curatorial team of the Chilean Pavilion at London Design Biennale 2021 – hosted at Somerset House – which won the medal for the most outstanding overall contribution.
My current work brings together my studies in Design, Cultural Management and Visual Communication with my experience in editorial and graphic design. My approach advocates constant experimentation, freedom of play through art, collaborative work, and generating projects that contribute to the improvement of democratic culture and environmental awareness.
I consider Design as a powerful tool for coding and decoding information to favour communication and understanding between human and more-than-human forces [nature, technology, galaxies, materialities, animals, batteries, water, among others].
I have been part of international congresses on history and design studies: Buenos Aires (2015); Taipei (2016); Medellín (2018); Barcelona (2018); New York (2020); Quebec (2021); Melbourne (2022).
A fundamental component of my work is to give the audience an active role in directly exploring the objects, scales or experiences through deliberate design, generating moments of surprise, pause and reflection.